OpenELEC Pi not detecting USB media drive
My Pi is running OpenELEC from a USB 3.0 stick connected directly to the pi.
I have a USB hub plugged into the other USB slot, with a external hard drive plugged into that. The drive has its own power source and the hard drive is spinning - and works perfectly fine on my PC. The Pi is not detecting the hard drive. I am able to select the 3.0 boot drive as a media source, but not the external drive.

My drive is currently formatted as NTFS. Is that the issue? I am partitioning part of the drive as FAT32 to test that, but it won't be until tonight that I can try it. In the meantime I thought I would bounce some ideas off of everyone since I also read that you may have to add a .sh file to the SD card that mounts the drive at bootup?

Thanks for any help.
I should probably say how I fixed this, even though I will sound like an idiot.

I was powering my external hard drive via a Y splitter. One of the ends was going into a USB to wall outlet, and the other was going to the Pi. I assumed the thicker one was for power so that went into the wall, and the slim one went into the Pi. Turns out the thin one does not have data transfer and is actually for power. I simply switched them and everything is working fine.

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OpenELEC Pi not detecting USB media drive0