Zotac ZBox ID18 or Intel NUC 3217BY for the Bedroom

I am sorry about another NUC vs ZBox thread, but man is the Zotac boxes kind of confusing.

Let me explain what I have, where I need it and what I am looking for.

I have all my BluRays ripped to a server in the basement, connected to my other XBMC boxes via Ethernet.

I have wanted to put a box in my bedroom, and have tried a few things: 1) ATV Version 1 (didn't work well when I tried it ages ago), 2) PIVOS XIOS DS (Worked well for what it was, but had a power outage which seems to have fried it), and 3) Ouya (Works for my TV Shows, but not for my ripped BluRays - a known issue I guess).

I don't re-encode any of my rips. They are all full raw rips. I haven't done anything with 3D at this point, but you never know.

I think I am done trying to buy $99 dollar mobile systems, since I am up to 3 now, and should just spend a couple hundred on a PC solution.

As I said, I am looking for a bedroom box that can play all my full rips, without a ton of monkeying around. It will be hard wired as well. I would like to be able to use my Harmony Remote, if possible. To finish, I would like to keep it as cost effective as I can - since it really is a bedroom box.

Here are two systems I have seen and wondered which would you choose. These two seem to put me around the same price after adding a hard drive and memory. If neither, then please give me some feedback on what you would. Also, if there are better components than what I chose, then please let me know.

Intel NUC 3217BY

Intel NUC 3217BY: $164.95 Link
Thunderbolt to Gigbit: $29 Link
MyDigital 32GB mSATA Drive: $44.99 Link
Crucial 2GB SODIMM DDR3 1333 RAM: $23.48 Link
Total: $262.42

Zotac ZBox ID18

ZBox ID18: $129 Link
SanDisk 64GB SSD Hard Drive: $49.99 Link
Crucial 2GB SODIMM DDR3 1600: $23.44 Link
Total: $202.43

Thanks for the comments fellas!!!
I have the intel nuc love the thing can play anything. I use this hard drive will save ya some money
Thanks joemo240.

Anyone else? Anyone who has used both maybe?
If it is just for XBMC then I would go for the Zotac based on price only. I can't see what the NUC can give you over the Zotac for the extra cost. I had a similar dilemma and I'm looking to get a ID18 myself soon as I cant justify the extra cost. Also Zotac has USB 3 and Ethernet as standard.
I've been building C1007U systems lately and they're a treat in Windows or Linux. I agree you won't see a difference between the C1007U and i3 for straight XBMC, especially if you go OpenELEC. You could measure a difference but you won't see it.
Thanks guys. That's some good info.

I haven't decided on Windows or openelec at this point.

Basically, I just need it to work for the wife. :-)

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Zotac ZBox ID18 or Intel NUC 3217BY for the Bedroom0