Gotham B2 - Enabling Unwanted PVR Addons?
Guys -

This is hardly disaster, and looks like a packaging error rather than a bug per se, but I've seen this on Android and Windows now... upgrading to the Gotham Betas (B1 on Android 4.3 last week, B2 on Windows 8 today) and I get a raft of errors as PVR addons I've never used appear and grumble about life not being the way they want it. Oddly enough, with neither a DVBLink nor WMC backend, neither addon has a particularly good day.

It's trivial to disable/uninstall them, but I was wondering if anyone else was seeing this or whether it's a known issue. Seems little point in trawling debug logs out, though I'll debug a Win7 installation later to see if it happens again - if it does, I'll post over in the Gotham Beta thread.
I have tried with a nightly on Windows and and all worked fine for VNSI.

But I have seen some strange behavior in the past sometimes happend after a version bump of the addons. Some addons which never have been enabled got auto-enabled and complaining not finding their backends. If this is what you observe, it's not a new bug.
Okay - thanks - I've just seen it on my OE boxes as well (start after upgrade, various AAARGH messages from addons that I shouldn't have, XBMC crash, restart, all is well), but not my 'buntu box. Let me look at the Win7 system now and see if that tells me anything. It always seems to be DVBlink and WMC - I also have pvr.hts installed, but that's the one that should be there.

As I say, it's no big deal, and if it's one of those "it sometimes happens" issues then maybe we just need to Wiki it somehow in case someone panics about it.
Yup, looking at the debug log for my Win7 install, it looks like these addons are simply arriving enabled, either with no config or with loopback details. Probably an issue with those specific addons rather than anything to do with the core of XBMC.
Is this on clean install or an upgrade install? Because all I've ever seen on clean installs in Windows is that the installer allows you to select which PVR addons to install, and then they are installed as "disabled". You can't see them either in the UI until you first enable Live TV, at which point it will take you to a list of the installed, disabled PVR addons and you have to enable one.

scott s.
I've seen once or twice PVR add-ons do something like this, but I've never been able to reliably duplicate the error, and it was somewhat rare when it did happen. I've always assumed it was a fluke with my setup, but I'll try to pay more attention the next time it happens.
(2014-03-17, 04:58)scott967 Wrote: Is this on clean install or an upgrade install?

Upgrade install on every one of them. Both Win7 and Win8 machines had the issue, both OE boxes did, and the one Android device I upgrade last week also did it (although I wrote it off as a fluke then). The only system it didn't happen on was by 'buntu box. That's why I wondered if it was related to the packaging, since 'buntu uses a separate PVR addon package from the PPA rather than installing them automatically as part of the .apk or Windows installer routine. Guessing, though.

I think what's happening is that the DVDBLink and WMC PVR addons are simply arriving "pre-enabled" - since I already have tvheadend installed and activated, that means I've got Live TV enabled, so I end up with three PVR addons, two of which are now unconfigured and therefore promptly sulk.

I have a debug log of first run, but that's inconclusive as all it shows is the multiple addons... it obviously won't know anything about the state in which they arrived.
I have seen the sporadic enable of unwanted pvr addons during updates aswell (most likely it is that windows media center addon *grr*). I already told it opdenkamp and iirc he told me there are known issues in the pvraddonmanager code.
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
(2014-03-17, 11:48)Prof Yaffle Wrote:
(2014-03-17, 04:58)scott967 Wrote: Is this on clean install or an upgrade install?

Upgrade install on every one of them. Both Win7 and Win8 machines had the issue, both OE boxes did, and the one Android device I upgrade last week also did it (although I wrote it off as a fluke then). The only system it didn't happen on was by 'buntu box. That's why I wondered if it was related to the packaging, since 'buntu uses a separate PVR addon package from the PPA rather than installing them automatically as part of the .apk or Windows installer routine. Guessing, though.

I think what's happening is that the DVDBLink and WMC PVR addons are simply arriving "pre-enabled" - since I already have tvheadend installed and activated, that means I've got Live TV enabled, so I end up with three PVR addons, two of which are now unconfigured and therefore promptly sulk.

I have a debug log of first run, but that's inconclusive as all it shows is the multiple addons... it obviously won't know anything about the state in which they arrived.

I ask, because ISTM that there is a bit of logic that links the "live TV enable" setting to PVR status, and display of PVR addons. In my case on clean install, the first run I enable an installed PVR addon, but it is immediately returned to disabled status though the UI isn't updated to show this, until XBMC in closed and restarted. So I'm not surprised there are other problems with disable/enable status of PVR addons.

scott s.
Was noted some time ago:
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Gotham B2 - Enabling Unwanted PVR Addons?0