[Apple TV 2 ] Add-ons list not displayed - cannot get add-ons

I had previously the version 11 of XBMC installed on my ATV2, it was working perfectly.
I just update it with the latest version : Gotham.

After installing Gotham, I found out that my subtitles add-ons were missing, I tried to get them back but when I browse System > Settings > Video > Subtitles > Default TV Service > Get More... > XBMC does not list any add-ons :-(

Even when I choose Video > Add-ons > Get More I don't have any choices.

First I thought that my ATV2 could not access internet but I tried one of my add-ons (which was still installed after the update) and I can browse videos from internet with it. (M6 French TV Add-on)

I also tried to uninstall XBMC and re-install it back but it did not help...

Here are the logs, I got them using SFTP
I could see any specific issues in the logs.

Here is a picture of my menu (well it's empty..)

Any ideas ?

Thanks a lot
Quick update

It's working back, I can see the add-ons and also download them.
Maybe it was just an issue with the servers that host the add-ons ??

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[Apple TV 2 ] Add-ons list not displayed - cannot get add-ons0