Linux on Geniatech ATV1220
Hello guys,

I am working on a project on a Geniatech ATV1220. Basically what I want to do is when I boot the device it should boot to a basic linux, where it just loads a browser in kiosk mode to display a predefined website, where text, static images and video can be displayed.

Since there is a working XBMC Linux build for that device, I think doing something similar should be possible and since I am using a lot of the same tools the developers use for this, I thought this place would be appropriate for posting.

So far here is what I am working with:

ro.product.device: stvmx
ro.product.board: stv_mbx_mx

Kernel 3.0.101 (

Buildroot: with mx_linux_stvmx_defconfig (I am not using the precompiled kernel, because I want to work with NFS first and the prebuilt has a hardcoded boot command line in it)

I have UART connection to the device and use PuTTY to get to the serial console. I am also using a Linux TFTP/NFS Server to provide the kernel boot image and the root filesystem.

Booting works up to a point where it all goes terribly wrong. I can still access System Maintenance Mode though. My bootlog is here:

It would be great if someone more experienced than me could have a look at it and see if there is some major problem I am not seeing and help me get it to work and maybe even assist me on the further steps.

Did you enabled all systemd related modules ?

If you're not running standard distro why use systemd ? with the init.d scripts the Buildroot based XBMC Linux images works flawlessly.

I'm running Arch on my g18ref device and systemd looks great, but the whole system is unstable, I think because gcc doesn't like the bfq patches that probably needed to be updated.
Thank you for your reply. I actually haven't enabled systemd by myself. I just used the settings provided in the config. How would I remove it or boot without using it?

I just looked in make menuconfig of the buildroot and there seems to be no activated features BR2_INIT_SYSTEMD =n BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD =n. I am a bit confused and also not that experienced in that matter at all.

So long I will try rebuilding the kernel with the modules you provided, thanks for that.
I'm also new to this and the Amlogic 3.0.50 sources are PITA (looks like the system freezing), let me know if it works for you with systemd because atm I'm giving up and will look next into the 3.10 sources (which I'm not sure if usuable for the meson6).

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Linux on Geniatech ATV12200