Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
andriod arm box and I CANT get the internet to connect
browsers and speed test work great, frodo versions do allow xbmc to connect and retrieve...
....however, i have deleted and reinstalled multiple gotham versions and ZERO of them are allowing me to connect and retrieve my repos.

network information page says
link connected
mac address is there
ip is there
subnet mask is there
gateway is there
primary dns is there
internet: Not Connected. Check network settings

i have tried wired and wireless. can some one PLEASE tell me how to get my gotham to connect? ive been trying for almost a week now,
thank you,
annyone? I know there are a lot of people out there experiencing this issue, but I have yet to see a fix for it....and i believe there has to be. sure theres no way EVERY andriod arm7 quad core, mali gpu cant use gotham?

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andriod arm box and I CANT get the internet to connect0