Android XBMC Cine Player Android
I recently located an Android App in the Google Play Store called "XBMC Cine Player Android" its located at
it claims to be by "XBMC Android"
I've also found the same APP under the name "GOM Cine Android" .
I've installed both apps and they are identical.
My Question does this APP have any relationship to XBMC?
To me it just looks like someone using the name for their own purpose.
The app provides over 1500 movie & TV shows that stream it seems for Free - To me its a suspicious app and if its not doing things legally using the XBMC name could harm the XBMC Brand

Any Thoughts

Melbourne AU
No relation to us at all. Thank you very much for the heads up.
Just hit the report button.
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As I'm just a XBMC Fan - I would think it should be reported by someone from the Team at least then it has credence.
but I will do anyway cheers
I've emailed the developer. I may be blind, as I do not see a report button.
The Report option is at the bottom of the Google Play app

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