Denon AVR + HP Microserver = no picture
I've just got an HP Microserver which I am wanting to set up as my media centre. My set up is a Denon AVR1910 Receiver, HP N54L Microserver with an HDMI out Radeon 6450 graphics card and a Toshiba TV.

When I plug the Microserver into the TV I get the desktop but when I run it through the receiver it I get a black screen.

Any ideas what is going wrong? What do I need to change in order to get the receiver to recognise input from the Microserver?
Have you tried to plug the microserver direct into the TV. Then at least you will know where the issue lie
Erm, he says he didHuh Third line down Wink

Got the AVR plugged in the right way round? Input of AVR to microserver. Output to TV.

Set the AVR to HDMI input and the telly to the input you plugged the AVR in?
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Denon has some pc issues. Try turing on pc, then receiver and then TV. If that doesn't work then go the opposite way. If everything is connected and setup right that should solve it. Also remember to keep resolution within maximum spec of your pc and avr. Although the TV might accept high and or "odd" resolutions the receiver might not. Stick to 1280*720 for testing and increase to 1920*1080 if that works.
Hope this helps

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Denon AVR + HP Microserver = no picture0