[ARCHLINUX] XBMC and Curl issue

I've been having a recurring issue with both Frodo and Gotham builds and at present I'm running the Gotham RC1 on an ODROID-XU+E.

I run a DLNA media server (PS3 Media Server) on a Windows box and use XBMC as a DLNA client using the UPNP functionality run on Arch Linux.

Sending a video stream to the ODROID I find that nothing will play without transcoding it first.

If I try to send an x264 or even just an XviD to the server nothing starts successfully and an error log is generated.

I went through the log file to see if there was anything obvious that might be the cause.

The only thing I can see is this:
11:33:05 T:2680464368 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)
11:33:05 T:2680464368 ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
11:33:05 T:2680464368 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <$1$4$1/test.avi>
11:33:05 T:2680464368 ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [$1$4$1/test.avi]

Has anyone else seen this issue with curl and XBMC and/or has a solution?

I'm wondering if it is the path structure that isn't getting translated correctly.
Is there anyway to workout what the 0$1$4$1 path equates to or is it just a corrupted instruction?

Why? Xbmc has perfectly usable smb implementation.
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pacman -Q libmicrohttpd ?

0.9.35-1 breaks XBMC http (+ UPnP) serving and maybe also in the other direction.
Try reverting to 0.9.34-1.
Huge thank you dhead Smile

I tested 0.9.37-1 last night and found no new success with the updated libmicrohttpd library.

I then went to the ALARM rollback machine and managed to install 0.9.34-1 as you'd suggested and now XBMC natively plays both MKV and XviDs.

That fixes that Smile

Cheers mate, your help was greatly appreciated.

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[ARCHLINUX] XBMC and Curl issue0