Can't Access Drobo through XBMC (Windows Network SMB)
Hi I have a Drobo connected to my windows 8 pc that I would like to share with my htpc running XBMCBuntu. I have password protection sharing turned off on my windows pc so all shares should be visible to other pcs on my network, and I have the drobo drive shared as well. For some reason when I try to access the drobo through my xbmc machine it is asking me for a username and password, which is strange because I have the same setup with another hard drive attached to my windows pc and the XBMC machine can see all the files just fine with no username or password. In any case I have tried both my windows login and password and my drobo dashboard login and password but none of these seem to satisfy the requirements. I cant even tell if the password is being saved since after I type it in the box remains blank, it doesnt even display asterisks. Is this an issue specific to DROBO or am I doing something wrong in XBMC. This is an older Gen 2 non networked DROBO, so it could be that this model is not capable of this I am really not sure. Thanks for the help.

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Can't Access Drobo through XBMC (Windows Network SMB)0