XBMC not loading after install of newer build
i installed a new build of xbmc and now after the xecuter2 splash screen the screen goes grey. i tried connecting by ftp again but it won't connect. any help will be greatly appreciated.
hello tecknek,

i had the same problem a few days ago. the problem is probably that you used the old way to use xbmx as your booting program.

since the new release is out, you have to make a shortcut to your mediacenter xbe.

but well that doesn's solve your problem now.

i found out that if i press the "open" button when the led turns red on startup i could enter the bios from my chip (smartxx).

in this screen you can normally enter your harddrive with ftp. sometimes you need a special program (with my chip it was called ed@chip) to gain acces to the f: drive

hope that this info can help you to fix it.

greetz jeroen
i have had the same thing happen. after reading a bit i know what caused the problem, i left the old xml file in place and didn't make a link to the new one.

at any rate, now my box boots the standard flash screen, and then freezes when the light on the front turns orange. i like the suggestion before, but i used the software hack to install evox (no mod chip) and i'm not sure how to get past this ftp issue. until them my box is dead. hope someone knows how to get me out of this mess. thnaks

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XBMC not loading after install of newer build0