Slap in the face for NextPVR
Reading the RC notes for Kodi "American PVR users will be happy to learn that Kodi 14 introduces support for ATSC sub-channels. All users of PVR may be happy to learn that all PVR windows have been rebuilt to be better and more efficient.

Jalle decided to ignore sub's PR for a couple of weeks even though he put other PRs through. Finally Jaille told sub that it won't make Helix. So now American and Canadian users have to wait just because of a completely arbitrary decision. If Jalle used NextPVR and needed this would it have been ignored?

just in case you want to get your facts straight before making more insinuations directed at the wrong people:
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Fact's straight? That PR is for pvr.wmc not pvr.nextpvr Okay maybe it is opdenkamp not Jalle but sub's PR was before that. The ATSC support was only added in Aug/Sept and announced it Nov. without really giving any room for PVR devs to add support.

As as NextPVR user, was does this mean exactly? Sub-channels will not work with the packaged-in NextPVR add-on for Kodi Helix Final?
(2014-12-09, 17:52)onizuka Wrote: As as NextPVR user, was does this mean exactly? Sub-channels will not work with the packaged-in NextPVR add-on for Kodi Helix Final?
Correct. It wont appear until the .1 release. I'm really disappointed about it.

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Slap in the face for NextPVR0