Idea: Skin Modules -new possibilities
I am still looking for the perfect skin for me and still haven't found it (matter of personal taste no offense to any of the skinners who really do a great job) but every time I try one I find points where I say wow that looks great and then on other i think why hasnt this skin a ..... view like skin .... or why is the main menue not more flexible like skin... .

So I had the idea why not having a skin engine that works more modular with a central module that defines basic look like backgrounds , fonts etc and then u can add more modules for main menue,different music views, video views and so on.

What do you guyz think about it.

Greetings Omni

And for some special friends ( I know there are some out there cause people like that are in every forum ;-( ) no need to start insulting me for that idea, like the title said this is an idea and despite te fact I am not doing it anymore I have learned far enough about programming to know such an idea can be implemented just like that.
I think this is a long term goal on some level, if I recall correctly (I could be wrong, as I'm almost falling asleep here. Where am I?). While skinners can still customize to their hearts content when desired, there's a lot of stuff that would be much easier if more "modular", like you said. For example, right now all dialog boxes have to be skinned completely, but in the future a skinner might get the option of just saying "here's what a button should look like, here's what a scroll bar should look like", etc, and have various dialog boxes be generated from that, while still in their skin's theme. This would also go a long way towards allowing skins to keep working when new GUI changes are made in Kodi's core.

I'm not sure if that would help in making things easier to "mix and match" between skins, but I imagine it wouldn't hurt.

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Idea: Skin Modules -new possibilities0