Gotham advancedsettings watched flag conflict

Here are the settings in advancedsettings.xml that I have currently


This basically means that a watched flag will be placed at 95 percent complete but you may still resume the episode up to 100 percent.

These settings worked fine in XBMC 11 but in 13 the <ignorepercentatend> setting takes precedent and when stopped after 95 percent, no watched flag is shown.

Can anyone tell me what has changed between 11 and 13 that changed this?

Thank you.

XBMC 13.2
Windows 7
It should still be marked as "watched" and added to the playcount for that video file, even if the resume mark is showing instead of the watched mark. Some skins allow you to choose which marks to show, but there isn't an option for this with the default skin, Confluence.
I am using Confluence and just did a test. I stopped near the end and it shows the resume mark but when I go to the context menu it says "mark as unwatched". So it does know it's watched but the mark doesn't show it. Hopefully this may be fixed with v14.

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Gotham advancedsettings watched flag conflict0