PBS Addon Missing?
I notice that PBS, one of the richest and most interesting addons available, is no longer included in the ORG repo selections.

Is there an effort to bring it back?

Or any other way to access and add it?

Thanks in advance for the help.
I was also looking and noticed it missing, any PBS alternative add-on's or news regarding it returning to the repository ?
This is actually why I came to the forum. I just setup kodi tonight after a few months of broken hardware downtime and when I went to install the add ons, the PBS one was missing. I couldnt find any news and from what I could see in the wiki, it looks like it should be there. PBS is missing but so too are a few other ones. South park and Pandora come to mind that used to be available.

Are both of you using the new Helix(14) build? I believe I am since I downloaded the latest image tonight...but honestly I couldn't find where to verify.
Yes, the PBS add-on is missing from Kodi.

I am using OpenELEC (official) Version 5.0.0 (Linux 3.14.25) on a cubox i4-pro. I just upgraded from a Raspberry Pi.

For me this was the most important plugin.

Can someone respond with information on either the status of a possible update or a PBS add-on bundled into some other add-on repository?
I went to install the add ons, the PBS one was missing. I couldnt find any news and from what I could see in the wiki, it looks like it should be there. PBS is missing but so too are a few other ones. South park and Pandora come to mind that used to be available.Huh

Interesting. I set up a linux box for a friend and installed kodi. One of the first things we looked to add was the PBS add-on. I spent quite a bit of time trying to no avail. What givesHuh?
as with the degredation of feeds for the addon "world news live" without comment from its authours, I doubt very much there will be much of an answere here either. Me thinks the digital rights management fks have made their impact. I think this is also gone. Please prove me wrong.

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PBS Addon Missing?1