Kodi for Spanish TV
Hi guys,

First of all, let me apologise in advance if this is posted in the wrong section. There were so many sub-forums etc that this post could fit into I wasn't quite sure where to post. Secondly, I also tried to use the search feature to make sure that the answer I'm after hasn't been posted elsewhere, however I couldn't really find anything.

Anyways. I'm new to Kodi and have installed the TVaddons Fusion pack which seems to work great (yay!!) However, I would like to also be able to watch Spanish Live TV through Kodi and I have heard that this is possible.

Could someone please help me with this.

Thanks in advance
Plugin no in official repository. I do not think breaks the piracy rules: its tv free-to-air
(2014-12-30, 14:37)DazTimm Wrote: Anyways. I'm new to Kodi and have installed the TVaddons Fusion pack which seems to work great (yay!!)

Just a heads up, please don't discuss those sources per our forum rules (wiki). I know your question is more in general, but just to head that off before the discussion goes down that path.

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