After upgrade to Frodo initialartwork rescan failed, is it possible to rerun it?
I performed an upgrade last night from Eden to Frodo. After I rebooted I opened my TV shows and all my artwork was gone, but then a box poped up and said it was rescanning the artwork. Once it was done all my artwork was there. I'm guessing their must have been some type of change in Frodo that required it perform the artwork rescan. Same thing happened with my movies and music. However, during the music rescan it hung and had to be rebooted. Now when I open my Music only a small number have artwork (maybe 50), and thousands of them just have the generic music icon. Is there a way for me to force whatever type of scan Frodo was doing after the upgrade?

I'm not trying to re-scrape or anything like that, just to use all my artwork that is already cached and on disk. I just need a way to kick-off the Frodo upgrade rescan.

I know I could always delete the thumbs database but was hoping not to do have to do that as it took hours to initially run and I also set many of them manually over the years.

Thanks in advance.
1 quit xbmc
2 edit guisettings.xml and set this value to 1:
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That's easy enough, I will try it when I get home, thanks so much!

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After upgrade to Frodo initialartwork rescan failed, is it possible to rerun it?0