iMON LCD\VFD - time to start over
Hi all

After many months of trying to get my HTPC to work the way I would like it to be (hence not buying an of-the-shelve product), I decided to give it a go to develop something that will work with my setup (Antec Veris Elite LCD, ASUS J1900I-C board, 8GB RAM (LOL only because it was lying around), CoolerMaster chassis, PicoPSU .... completely silent hardware setup Big Grin, Win7 Ultimate, NAS with 2.7TB storage on RAID5 and 2x 1Gb interfaces)

I'm tired of using in-between tools that uses the iMON API (because Soundgraph geniuses refuses to release their code) and hopefully within a couple of months we will have a fully functional single application between Kodi and the iMON driver. I started experimenting with the JSONRPC for Kodi and there are some exciting stuff to be done here.

Some features on my wishlist that was not included in the original iMON Manager:
- Display the current running time\remaining time when playing a movie\series instead of the progress bar
- Have all the icons done properly (codecs, media etc)
- All other functionality as provided with frontview

30+ years of coding should help me achieve this but time may be an issue....
2015 seems like a good year already Wink Thanks!
This is great news, can't help you with the development but i'm here in case you need help with testing ( using an Imon Ultrabay LCD).
Any plans to support iMon VFD and IR Receiver?
I'm asking because I can't force to work ir receiver with XBox remote.
I will be following this with great interest, I have a case with a VF310 display as well.
Have you been able to make any progress yet? Smile
Well this sound great! I'm very interested to kick the iMON manager out of my HTPC Smile

What about the remote control functions? I've been using eventghost instead of the crappy iMON manager for a long time to manage the ir commands but the eventghost still needs iMON manager's plugin mode... It would be great if you could have direct access also to remote control Smile
Can't wait to see, I have Antec fusion with LCD.
Any progress with this?

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iMON LCD\VFD - time to start over1