Change home items
How do i change the items on the home menu? The Video/Pictures/Movies/Settings stuff.

Also is it possible to make the primary button go directly to a a specific folder? I notice right now i have to go to Videos > then hit down to Files > then navigate through to the folder i want
you can set up a specific startup window:

go to system settings, apearance, skin and change the settings in "Startup Window"

What exactly do you want to change the home menu items to? Just rename it or adding costumized home menu items? Latter can be done by some other skins, which have those options. iirc Aeon Nox will do that.
I want to add an Anime one to it, and also a TV shows one.

And also have them open up specific folders instead of having to navigate to them.

Also i like the default skin, why can't i change it with them? This seems like it would be basic stuff.
the confluence skin doesn't have this option to add costum home menu items. So you have either to navigate to it, or you modify it yourself, or you take another skin.

change the startup window is possible. Look at my posting above how to change it.
Okay i installed Aeon nox and it seems to do what i want

A few questions though...

I'm trying to add an Anime folder and make it go directly to a specific path ie: G:\Anime\

but the only way i found out how to do it so far is by setting that folder as a favorite.. but then when i set that as the default select action (ActiveWindow(10025,"G:\Anime\",return) it sends me to menu with Files/Playlist/Video addons.

I want to go straight into the anime folder when i click from the home menu, what default select action should i use for that?
(2015-01-03, 18:00)Shogunreaper Wrote: Okay i installed Aeon nox and it seems to do what i want

A few questions though...

I'm trying to add an Anime folder and make it go directly to a specific path ie: G:\Anime\

but the only way i found out how to do it so far is by setting that folder as a favorite.. but then when i set that as the default select action (ActiveWindow(10025,"G:\Anime\",return) it sends me to menu with Files/Playlist/Video addons.

I want to go straight into the anime folder when i click from the home menu, what default select action should i use for that?

I hope someone can answer this question. I am having the exact same problem trying to add Comedy to the home screen..

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