Access Desktop View?
In XBMCBuntu there was a way to exit XBMC and login to the desktop, I can't find anything on how to do that now, can someone please help? Had to buy a new hard drive so I just installed KodiBuntu, and now I'm looking for a way to get back to being able to use the browser and etc, as well as do all the required OS updates, thanks in advance!
if you use confluence skin and want to shut down your client, you don´t select "shut down" "exit"

After this you get another login prompt where your username should be inserted automatically. At the right top of the screen, there is a symbol which looks like a sheet with a broken corner. Click on that and select "kodibuntu". After that you enter the password you have given at installation and hit enter....then you should be logged in
(2015-01-04, 11:26)David1977 Wrote: if you use confluence skin and want to shut down your client, you don´t select "shut down" "exit"

After this you get another login prompt where your username should be inserted automatically. At the right top of the screen, there is a symbol which looks like a sheet with a broken corner. Click on that and select "kodibuntu". After that you enter the password you have given at installation and hit enter....then you should be logged in

I don't get the option for "kodibuntu" the only options I get are "zombiefaace" which is my username, and "Other" kodibuntu as a username does not work

Oh also I'm pretty techy, and I work in IT for a living, so you can tell me "click the drop down" lol I know what that is
Ok so actually I think this is a different problem than what I'm describing...

So I did a ctrl + alt + F1 logged in with the account I created "zombiefaace" and then did a sudo passwd root and changed the root password, rebooted the device, and once XBMC popped up I did a left click on the power button, clicked exit, and then changed the drop down to "Other" and typed in username root and new password I created, it went right back to XBMC, it's almost like desktop version doesn't exist, did they take this out on KodiBuntu? Or did I do something wrong during the installation? I follow the guide that said "How to load kodibuntu on a flash drive and install" this is a mini PC, so I can't burn the ISO to a CD-ROM as this device doesn't have a CD-ROM and I don't have a USB CD-ROM drive... I'm hoping there's just something I'm missing, otherwise I'm going to have to look at loading a different Linux OS like Mint, or etc just to get this working again, I was hoping to avoid that because honestly I've been tethering from my phone and didn't want to put all that data on there even though I have an unlimited plan.

Thanks community in advance!
Oh...sorry....can't imagine, that it is that hard for a IT genius like you to switch to kodibuntu....

I wrote:
Quote:At the right top of the screen, there is a symbol which looks like a sheet with a broken corner

I didn't say anything about the pulldownmenu where you can choose usernames. That's different. As an pretty techy IT worker you should read better Wink, tbh.

Again...and maybe you read a bit more carefully...if you got the login prompt by exiting Kodi (blue background with a grey window and your username "zombiefaace" should be in there) at THE TOP RIGHT on the screen (not on the grey window) is such a menu where you might get 3 options (kodi, kodi and kodibuntu). There are other symbols as well (for shutdown for example). If you select "kodibuntu" and enter your password for the username "zombiefaace" (now in the grey window) you will be logged in.

It's there, I installed it 3 days ago, and I can't imagine wsnipex removed something.

And the other thing you did....

The root user is now native usable. You didn't create him...he was always there. But you will never need a root user as you can use "sudo" on ubuntu for all your likings. So why creating users, if you don't know what you are doing?!?!

So for 1, there is no "menu where you get 3 options" all there is, is a login box that's it, the background is grey, and the top left says "Kodi" and there is no "Symbol which looks like a sheet with a broken corner" do you have screenshots or anything?

Yes I know root is always there, thus why I assigned him a password trying to get around this issue to see if I could get logged in...

And before you ask, YES I AM looking at the top right corner of the screen, NOT the top right of the login box...
not a screenshot here atm...sorry. But maybe later. Just watching a movie and after this, I will post a screenshot

Just so we're on the same page and all, here is the screen I'm looking at, I don't need glasses, so maybe you can show me what I'm missing, since apparently I'm blind and stupid

I have these....

Can you offer a Debug Log? Just for interest:

ssh in and

cat ~/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | pastebinit

Your background looks completely different from mine.
Got it working, apparently the resolution wasn't adding up right, so I literally couldn't see those options, now I just need to get my sound working, thanks for your help!
whats the problem with the sound?
There is no sound, from what I can tell it looks like alsamixer is choosing the analog by default, instead of HDMI which is what I'm using connection wise, now I'm just trying to get HDMI set as default
Issue resolved had to select the card in alsamixer and then tell it to unmute the HDMI, thanks for all the help

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