Kodi on USB Stick
Big Grin 
Hi All,

I'm at the end with my very limited Linus kowledge.

I want to runfKODI from an USB stick installing it from the same USB stick (32 GB). I followed the instruction described in the WIKI to create a bootable USB stick. After the installation (persitant mode) KODI starts. If I reboot again, the install menue comes up again, no KODI.

Any idea what is wrong? Or are there an further tasks to do?

Thanks for any help.

Has no one an idea or is it not clear what I want to do and what the problem is?
Hi Tommm
Please look at this how-to post I wrote a little while ago. It installs OE and it has kodi/xbmc. It requires little Linux knowledge. As for Kodibuntu no idea. I do not use it. Full Linux on a cheap USB is too slow for normal every day use. Writes are too slow and kills performance. OE runs fine on it.



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