use VLC for streaming in XBMC ?
Hi everyone ...

i'm looking for a way to add the streaming function of VLC in XBMC ... anyone there has an idea on how to do it ?

maybe you would ask why ... so i'll explain ...
my ADSL provider has enabled a "multi-viewing" function on my modem, that allows to watch TV via streaming on every computer on the network. all we have to do, is open the url "" in VLC to watch the channels ... and so i want my xbox to show theses channels ...

So , any ideas ?

Thx by advance !

Edit : i've forgot to tell that this is not useable in windows Media Player, and VLC is the only software that can play it ...
First try pasting that url into a .strm file. A .strm file is just a text file containing a url. That *may* work.

If that does not, post the contents of the m3u. You should be able to paste the individual channels into a individual .strm files.
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use VLC for streaming in XBMC ?0