Volume up/down if "allow start of kodi using remote" enabled
The thread subject says it all. My Apple Remote works perfect when "allow start of kodi using the remote" is disabled (besides that obviously I cannot start Kodi using the remote). When enabling "allow start of kodi using the remote", I can start Kodi with the remote, but face a new problem. The up/down keys within Kodi now control the mac system volume.

Any thoughts / fix to this? I am using Helix 14.1 (stable) on OSX.

Thanks in advance!
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
Installing Candelair has consistently fixed this for me and many others (but not everyone) over the last couple of years.

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Volume up/down if "allow start of kodi using remote" enabled0