New project place for Kodi Isengard+
Hi all translators !

There has been a major change in Kodi language handling with introducing language-addons. This will give us the power to update the core language files anytime, independent of the main or service releases.
Th main PR of this change is here.

With this change we changed the way of language code handling. We started to move towards the xx_YY code system instead of the old xx system. You can see our new language-addons on this github repo.

Whenever these files are updated, along with the addon.xml version number it will be auto updated on your system.

The source en_GB file has been moved to this location.

To handle all these changes, I had to rewrite my sync utility, Along with this step, we intruduced a new Transifex project with the new language codes called "kodi-main". The previous "xbmc-main" project is now outdated and will not be updated (soon we will delete it). The new project can be found here.

You can already start working on it, if you wish.


As I mentioned the language codes changed from the two projects. For example "de" become "de_DE" or "hr" to "hr_HR" and so on. You can find the exact match which language group you have been moved to on this json list.

The old language code is called "OLDCODE" and the new one to match is "LCODE". The language name that will be selectable when you are in Kodi gui is unchanged at this point. It is called "GUILNAME" on this same list.

The language groups have been copied to the new project, so everyone remained in the same role as before.
If you don't find yourself for some reason, just make a join request.

I hope everything will go smooth.
BTW we are in beta stage for the new Kodi Isengard release, so it is time to translate the new strings to get into shape for the release.

Thanks for your hard work,

Some more info:
If your language is not migrated, it is because it was not actively translated. If you think you have the strength to translate it in the future, just let me know and i re-add it to the new project.

The other two project xbmc-addons and xbmc-skins remains as is and accepting translations for now. For the future, kodi-addons and kodi-skins will be created, but only later, probably after release.
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Thank you, really sounds incredible.

But is it possible the translations has caused an regression in the xbmc-addons repo? (or your tool chain)
As the hasn't been updated but the translation files have been.
(2015-05-04, 10:53)Razze Wrote: As the hasn't been updated but the translation files have been.

It is auto generated each time, so if it did not change lately, it is because the logfile has not changed (found the same syntax problems).
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(2015-05-04, 12:19)alanwww1 Wrote:
(2015-05-04, 10:53)Razze Wrote: As the hasn't been updated but the translation files have been.

It is auto generated each time, so if it did not change lately, it is because the logfile has not changed (found the same syntax problems).

Thanks for clearing that one up!
Hi Attila

Thank you for all your hard work

One problem that I found is that I cannot see the old strings
Transifex says that is not accepting translations
But I do't want to translate, I just want to see the strings
In the past I worked to make the translation consistent, so I want to see how I translated some words then
It seems that not all strings have been imported to the new project for my language (romanian)

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New project place for Kodi Isengard+0