Simple Movie player (similar to Apple TV)
hey all.

i've been using apple TV for years, and have recently purchased an Andriod-450 media player because i have a ton of movies that are not in itunes format, and figure there is a better way.

I'm wondering if Kodi has a similar way to layout movies...
IE.. by genre / year / custom field
I'm wanting to show proper movie names, and a synopsis of the movie.. (from a quick example, as far as the synopsis)
maybe obtained from IMDB?

i'm happy to play with any tags that are needed on every movie (to try and match a search request?) similar to ID3 tags for the old mp3 format....

is this possible?

TIA SmileBlush
Very much so. You can even change the interface skin to look exactly like an Apple TV.

See Quick start guide (wiki) and there should be some demo videos of what Kodi can do on Kodi (wiki).
awesome. thanks. will give it a try and come back if need help


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Simple Movie player (similar to Apple TV)0