EARLY/LATE frames problem with new XviD encoded files
So it seems people here are a little bit egoistic. Of course i thank everyone who has been involved with xbmc but this is a bug discussion forum and this is clearly a bug. Personally i don't have the skills to do this thing, but it can't be that hard for a guy who has done it before.

For now, I'd like to help someone suffering with the same problem. Reducing cache to 0% helps a little because in a case of early/late frame it doesn't cache the file again then (that causes usually a 3 early/late frames instead of just one) and the error in picture and sound is not that noticable.



piss off and never come back. i wish i could take xbmc away from you, we dont make it so as*holes like you can use it.
Yeah right... You are the only who whines and shouts here.
One question though. Why do you have a bug discussion forum if we are not allowed to discuss about bugs?
You say that i show up here to complain. That's not correct. I'm here to tell you that there are things in XBMC that can be fixed now. I have tried to fix this in everyway that I can, that just is not enough. I only managed reducing the errors, not removing them.
It seems like you don't even want to make your app even better and have the attitude that you should be praised like god for giving an app like this free. I already thanked you, and that's all I'm going to do for you and everyone else around XBMC, but if that is not enough for you, go find a mirror.
i ask for a couple of things:

1) not to be called an egoist by somebody that has contributed jack
2) you have the decency to NOT utter things like 'this can't possibly be hard to do' - you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, now do you? you even state that yourself
3) yes, i expect some respect for my work on this project. more importantly, i expect respect for other people's work. in this case elupus which has done much more work to get mplayer going than you can ever imagine (we're talking 1000's of hours here). and you have the nerve to slam it because you have some broken videos.

mplayer 1.0rc and the mplayer we use has had 2-3 years of changes done, many of which is architectural changes, meaning efficiently all work would have to be redone. we have clearly stated IT'S NOT WORTH IT. plus, it wouldnt even help one bit since the issue is with the codec not with the freaking player core.

ask any user on these forums that knows how to behave if we are listening to the community and fix the bugs they point out or not.

i'm gonna ignore you know and i suggest everybody else does as well. you're not worth the effort.

This is the option you and others have available today without coding anything yourselves:

The only other thing you can do without coding anything it post suggestions here and wait:

PS! You might also want to take some time to read these selected Q&A's from our FAQ:
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For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.
Am I in time to say "There goes the neighbourhood!" ??
I also have this same problem. Can I ask what release of mplayer does the current XBMC run? Why does the wiki offer instructions on how to compile mplayer? Doesn't it already come compiled with XBMC anyway. I have downloaded the latest updated mplayer given in the previous post (thanks). Would love to help fix it but seriously lack the skills & time (mostly skills) so thanks for working on it.Smile
1.0 pre 6

with updated demuxers and codecs and some other stuff.
Is there a solution yet to the problem described in the beginning of this thread, or am I one of few that has this problem? I can't seem to find much info about it...

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EARLY/LATE frames problem with new XviD encoded files0