storage issues
Can anyone help me with my mk3, and hooking up Toshiba 1.0 tb storage?? donsnt seem to do anything by just plugging in. thank you very much!
If you're expecting a pop up dialog window asking you what you'd like to do with this new device, blah, blah, and BLAH, you are in for a world of disappointment. Plug the drive in and go to Videos->Files and look for sda1 if it's your first USB device... It may or may not appear depending on whether the box can supply enough current to run the drive if not externally powered. You may need a powered hub if the device can't supply enough current, but I think it's more likely it'll just work as long as your box follows USB standards.
Thanks a whole bunch!!!Ill try it soon as my wife is done watching "Devious Maids"...Ill let ya know how it goes..ty again..cgreg76
You're welcome, hope it helps. You might have to give it a little while, hopefully with some disk activity LED blinking as it takes a bit when I first plug mine in or turn the android box back on. I have a 1TB drive with an external power adaptor. Once the initial light show is over the drive can be accessed.

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