Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved NextPVR dialogs?
Really like Nebula but have recently installed NextPVR to replace WMC for Live TV in prep for Win 10. It appears that I don't have (or there aren't any) specific dialog files for recording options for NextPVR. So two questions:

Are there any dialog files for NextPVR (nothing was listed in Wiki)?
Is there support in Nebula for other PVR backends if not NextPVR?

Thanks again for the great skin.
Go in the skin folder (skin.nebula) -> 1080i -> delete "RecordPrefs.xml" and rename "RecordPrefs.xml.NPVR" to "RecordPrefs.xml".

This is because the NextPVR addon uses the same files of another PVR addon.

You can also try the Mediaportal TV server or the Argus Tv Server.

Thanks much, great skin

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