animation help

I know its simple but I really cannot get the hang of the animations so im wondering if somebody would be kind enough to create the animaton for me ?
the one I cannor get right is the clock angle.

hope you will help Wink

image on dropbox (couldent get it to show in the post)

You're not going to get it looking like that with animations I'm afraid as you're numbers are still vertical.

This is the best I could get it -


PHP Code:
<animation type="Conditional" condition="true">
effect type="rotate" end="-10" />
effect type="rotatey" end="-10" />
thank you Hitcher Wink

I was affraid of that I must try something else then Wink
It's possible with variables and System.Time(format) by displaying each digit separately and lowering their positions though. Might even be better using images for each digit plus it reflection.
thats a good idea with the images would solve all problems but today its a little over my head writing all the variables (but thanks for the solution)
hopefully I will get around to do it Wink

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animation help1