Easiest method for channel sharing?
I already have unrestricted Samba/SMB files VIA MySQL that link my library on my host server to a few Android devices in my home. I'm finally at the point where I'm ready to make PTVL a full time add-on. If anyone has done this, what process did you use? Mind sharing your path-subs? I can't seem to get mine right.

Thanks in advance.
Make sure each device has the same exact source paths set up for the libraries. Since you're using mysql, they probably already have the same paths.

And then pick a samba shared folder location for the shared library and select it on every client in ptvl settings.

For me it worked right away.

All it does is, when you fire up PTVL, it will copy all the channels and configs from the shared folder location onto the local machine, and use that. If it updates anything, it will save the updated files onto the samba shared folder so other clients can get them next time.
Wait, so which folder do I share? Special://userdata/addon_data/script.pseudotv.live, special://userdata/addon_data/script.pseudotv.live/cache/stored, or something else?
No, you don't physically share a folder from within kodi.

Pick a location that both htpc's can access, it can be a samba share, nfs share, or whatever. Let's say it is smb://yourserver/PTVLshare (a shared folder called PTVLshare on a machine called yourserver)

On each htpc, within PTVL settings, select the channel share option and in the location field underneath, select the above folder by going to network, workgroup (if that is the domain used), yourserver and then PTVLshare

Now both machines will save their channel config to the same folder PTVL on machine yourserver

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Easiest method for channel sharing?0