v15 Karaoke Playback Issues
I've noticed three problems (ordered by importance) when trying to play Karaoke files and wanted to know if anyone knows a way around these:

1. If I play a MP3+CDG file from a zip (selecting the zip file and playing) or first opening the zip in Kodi and then clicking to play everything works great. The issue arises when I put a MP3 either from the top zip level or from within the zip into the queue and either skip to the next song, or when I just let the last song play out. Once Kodi tries to load the zipped MP3 from the queue Kodi crashes
1.1 I have the same issue with MP3+CDG not zipped as well.

2. Is there a way to get videos and MP3s in the same queue? It seems if I load my MP4 video karaoke files (start playing them) and then load the MP3+CDGs into the queue it clears out the videos and then I only have the MP3+CDGs in the queue, but the first issue is more important at the moment.

3. If I load an MP3+CDG it starts playing great, but if I back out to queue up more when I go back into the full screen mode I can't get the CDG part of the karaoke to play again and am stuck with just the MP3 playing.

I'm using Android 4.4.2 and Kodi 15.0 “Isengard” on a Minix Neo X8-H Plus device.

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Karaoke Playback Issues1