Cannot connect to Kodi main addon repository
Just install Kodi on Linux Mint KDE 17.2 and tried to access the addons from the system menu. An error says that it cannot connect to the server. Is the server down for some reason or a bug ?
(2015-07-26, 14:55)armageddon51 Wrote: Just install Kodi on Linux Mint KDE 17.2 and tried to access the addons from the system menu. An error says that it cannot connect to the server. Is the server down for some reason or a bug ?

Oops, it went back online ! May be I caught it while it was in maintenance mode (Sunday morning). But it's back ON now. Sorry for the trouble.

It is down again, i have clean install 15.0 and cant get addons.xml from official repo at all.
Hi there, same problem today.

I installed Kodi 15 on Ubuntu 14.04.2 and it works ok but it cannot refresh or get the official kodi repository.

All addon menus @ video, program, music appear to be empty. The add-ons menu in settings gives me the following information: Kodi Add-on repository version 2.2.32 is mentioned but when I click "install from repository" kodi says: "Couldn't connect to network server"

Also no video, music or program addon information is shown in settings--> add-ons. Only 'My add-ons', 'install from zip file', 'search' and 'system' are listed.

I installed Kodi 15 on my android tablet, using the same home network, and kodi works just fine, including add-ons. My Ubuntu OS has firewall off.

To conclude: 'install from repository' menu is empty.

The same here... Clean install of Kodi 15 on Fire TV. Tried 14.2 - the same result. Third party repos work. is very-very slow or times out.
Same on Fire TV stick with Kodi 15. When I clicked on install from repository I got "Couldn't connect to network server". If I install third parties repositories those will work. But then when I select the official repo nothing happens.
I am also having the same issue installed new and old kodi apk but nothing seems to work can kodi support give us an answer please
This won't solve any issues, but it looks like the auto generated list of mirrors is not being generated. The status page is also not being generated. Both are 404ing out. This why the repo is not being populated.
We moved from mirrorbrain to mirrorbits redirector yesterday. The addons.xml.md5 files had to be handled slightly differently in order to work correctly.
This has been fixed now.

The fact that the list does not populate has little to do with it, but stems from the fact that it is being populated from the old (offline) mirror redirection system.

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Cannot connect to Kodi main addon repository0