Setting up my own EPG Pulls errors
OK first I have read and read some more to no avail.
I am using Zap2xml to pull guide info for my local channels. I am trying to get it into PTVL EPG. I have read all the tuts I can find and have the general idea of how it is supposed to work. I was able to use mc2xml and get guide info into Kodi with IPTV Simple PVR. I'm positive I have the pull in the correct format ( <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ) ( from the first line ) so that rules out the improper format aka the ISO-8859-1.
I have the local channels all linked from my HDHomerun tuner as live tv. the trouble is when I try and edit the channel to point to the "xmltv.xml" file I have shared on my network. it reads and gives the " XMLTV ERROR IMPROPER FORMATING ". While I can select the other XMLTV names or "providers" (for lack of a better term) PTVLguide ... PVR ( and 2 coming soon ) which do not error however do not have my local channels.

Here is a sample of one of the pulled channel.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">

<tv source-info-url="" source-info-name="" generator-info-name="zap2xml" generator-info-url="[email protected]">
    <channel id="">

Sample of one of the programs
    <programme start="20150808000000 -0400" stop="20150808010000 -0400" channel="">
        <title lang="en">Charlie Rose</title>
        <episode-num system="dd_progid">EP00019177.6099</episode-num>
        <new />
        <subtitles type="teletext" />

Any help would be appreciated
If anyone is willing to share an xml file for guide ( a working one inside PTVL by working I simply mean will not error nothing has to be valid or updated lol )
Then I can start to compare them and see where the pulls are going wrong.
(2015-08-12, 14:12)MrX4000 Wrote: If anyone is willing to share an xml file for guide ( a working one inside PTVL by working I simply mean will not error nothing has to be valid or updated lol )
Then I can start to compare them and see where the pulls are going wrong.

What exactly is the problem? Details and a log will get you going...
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I will upload a log file tonight ... I am able to select "xmltv.xml ( or whatever I name the pulls ) so PTVL see's the folder and file. It will just error and say it is in the " improper format " so I cannot use the xml file for any epg. So my assumption is I am not getting the pulls clean. I can get them to work in IPTVsimple pvr ... just not PTVL

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Setting up my own EPG Pulls errors0