Prove a properly resolved Kodi installation before addons are added?
Something to show the installation and configuration is correct before addons are used ie, like kodi.log not showing error or warnings indicating something is not correct and could be a reason that needs to be fixed to reduce finger pointing and increase user acceptence.
Is there a question here? I'm not understanding your post.
I think he wants Kodi to tell him that everything is installed and working properly before he goes and installs a bunch of addons that break it.
Can Kodi tell me that I won't get run over on my motorcycle by an asshat texter to or from work - before I take a shower in the morning?
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
Yes, exactly!

After Installing in Windows, configuring Screen and Audio is automatic by default.

Then getting addons, some addons may error or produce warnings in log.

But is it possible to verify settings, dependices etc. to recommend possible solutions.

Kodi developers are great about the end result and I do appreciate all their great work,
I've thought about this issue in the past but considered it from a troubleshooting angle of wondering at the possibility of have a "safe mode" Kodi startup option that uses the default skin, default add-ons, etc. to validate a basic working config and rule out non-default add-ons, skins, etc. which seem to generate a significant percentage of support requests in these forums.
Kodi 17.6 on multiple Windows 10 x64 machines with shared MySQL 5.6.43 database. Kodi 18 on Xbox One. Content (music, video, photos) stored on Windows Server 2012 R2 file server and accessed by SMB.

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Prove a properly resolved Kodi installation before addons are added?0