Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
make OSD disappear.
I'm using metropolis, great skin!!!.

I have a question.
when I'm using a mouse the OSD in a video is disappearring after 15 sec or so...

but I'm using keyboard most of the time and it never going away, only if I'm pressing backspace.

is there a way to mak it go away after amount of seconds?

thank you
I honestly don't know. Metropolis doesn't officially support the mouse (which basically means I never test mouse functionality for releases). That might be standard behavior, though?
It is,
it happens in the deafault skin as well.

but can I do something about it, to make the OSD go after 5 sec. or so...?
That is just the way it works, but if it were to be changed how would you make it go away when using just the mouse? If you launch it by pressing "m", it should stay up while using the mouse until you make it go away with another button press (ESC, BKS).
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
I want it to work like this: When I press Enter or "OK"(android remote control) the OSD will appear and if I'm pressing the backspace or not tuching any button fo 5 or 10 second it will disappear that will be the best for what I need.

Can I write a service to do just that?
is there a way?
I have a python kodi script that will do just what I want but..
I want it to be a service that will start when the player starts and end when the player end/

can anyone help me with that?

thank you :-)
I've succeeded

thank you all

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