Android Update from XBMC 13.1 to 15.1 Isengard
Hello. First of all, excuse me for my english.
I have a MINIX NEO XH-8 with XBMC 13.1 (I think MINIX edition) working so fine. I have never updated it because it works fine, but I want to do it know because I feel I'm getting old fashioned. First I installed Kodi Isengard 15.1 and it worked, but all the settings and addons that are know on XBMC were not recognized by the new version. Then I realised that it was a different instalation at all, XBMC 13.1 was still working. So I read somewhere in the forum that is necessary to install the next version of the one you have so I installed Kodi 14, different releases. All worked, but with the same problem, the settings and addons of XBMC wasn't recognized. Before installing each one, the other versions (except XBMC) where uninstalled.
So its clear that I'm doing something wrong. If someone could help, it would be so nice.
Thanks in advance.
Looks like you have a side-by-side install - which is probably ideal since you liked your old install so much. You should look into copying the user settings folder from your old install to your new install. Even if you have to do a few settings again, that should leave your old installation intact until you have the new install set up the way you like. I would not worry about version 14 and set up version 15.1 side-by-side.
Thanks for the answer. It's possible to update directly? I mean, I'm not specially interested in a side-by-side installation, I would like that the update replaces the old version, keeping the settings and addons. Is this possible? If yes, how have I to proceed? Thanks again.

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Update from XBMC 13.1 to 15.1 Isengard0