Best way to get fire stick to link up with Mac for File Sharing
Does anyone on here who has a Mac know how to get the Fire Stick and Mac to link up?

at the moment i'm having to view files from my computer via Plex which isn't ideal at all.

I've tried all the methods in the FAQ as i am aware that support for Apple File Protocol has been removed and it suggests trying SMB or NFS.

Tried to set up both of these and it will "see" the folder i've shared but will not open the content within?

i'm guessing my network is ok as it will see the Plex files and i can watch content from there.

Any suggestions to try?

Quite likely it is a permissions issue. If it can see the top level folder but nothing underneath, I would try to copy a video or mp3 file in the top level folder and see if that plays.
Permissions problem, see this post:


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Best way to get fire stick to link up with Mac for File Sharing0