Win Scrapper Downloads - File Location
I just recently changed to a Micro PC for my media center. I have Isengard installed on the "E" Drive, Default Installation except for "E" rather than "C". Although the Scrapper saves everything to the "C" Drive. How do I change this? I am using the Default Scrapper.

Basically I am limited on space on the "C" Drive, which is why I installed Isengard on my "E" Drive (plenty of free space). My Movies, Music, and other stuff is on a portable Hard Drive "F" (or something like that). After I Updated my Library, I got all the posters, movie info, and artwork as normal, but it sucked up 10Gb of my "C" Drive. I need to get it so that the posters and other stuff is on the "E" drive or somewhere else. I don't mind if I have to reinstall again, I just need to know how to accomplish this.
path subs (wiki) for thumbnails to the E drive.
So if I'm understanding everything correctly, on a Windows Installation, no matter where I choose to install Kodi, it is always going to put everything else in the "Root" directory C?
Is there any way to install Kodi where the Profile Directory is on an additional hard drive?
Use the portable -p switch
It took a bit of searching but the "-p" seams to have worked. Thanks for putting me on the right track k4sh1n!

Now that I understand what it is, for anyone else that doesn't know here it is and what I would recommend especially if you would be installing this on a Windows system that has a small hard drive where windows is eating up the majority of the space (like mine):

Install Kodi to something like a thumb drive or secondary hard drive.
Before running Kodi, find the Start Menu Shortcut (for Windows 8 "C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Kodi"). Right Click on the Shortcut and select Properties. In the Target Box after everything, add a space then -p "kodi.exe -p" and click OK.
This way the first time you run Kodi it will create the additional information in the same location that you installed it to.
Remember that any other shortcuts that you might want to create on desktop or were ever, copy the one you just modified or modify any new one in the same way I just explained.

I think this should be an Installation Option!

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