Live TV OSD behavior
I've just switched from Confluence skin to Mimic. I've noted some problems with the live tv fullscreen:
  • the OSD appears upon OK/Select but I have to push exit to remove it. On Confluence it is sufficient to quickly push again OK/Select
  • the OSD don't respect the Kodi settings about the seconds after witch it should automatically disappear
  • whe the OSD is shown it is not possible to switch channel using the specific buttons. They work with no OSD. On Confluence they work also with the OSD.

I understand that some could be just difference in the behavior with respect to Confluence but I consider it as the official and reference skin.

1) I've never used Confluence so not trying to match it exactly. I'm guessing that Confluence doesn't focus on the player controls when activating the OSD and that's why you can press enter again to hide it. No plans to change it for Mimic.
2) No idea on this one, pull requests are welcome if you know how to fix it.
3) There are channel up/down buttons in the OSD for changing channels. I'm guessing by "specific buttons" you mean the buttons on your remote? If so, you'll likely need to use the OSD buttons or close the OSD and use the channel up/down buttons on your remote.

I don't spend much time using PVR, so it's not high priority for me.

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Live TV OSD behavior0