v15 dvbviewer pvr
Hi dvbviewer cam record and in the same time show another channel(diseq).Pvr addon can record and only show fta channels.Not at the same time encrypted..
plugins foder has 3 plugins.Please help.
This is no issue with Kodi or the PVR. Please head over to the dvbviewer forum.
Dvbviewer program work fine i think is a kodi/pvr addon issue.
Recording service 1.31..
You're wrong.
Hi Manuel,
I've been reading in both forum(kodi dvbviewer) but i cannot find a solution.
Other people have the same problem.
Tonight there are two big event. Us open final and inter milan derby. I need to record one.
Please give me an idea where the the problem is.
The PVR isn't doing any recordings. The RS backend is. So this is *no* PVR issue.

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