v15 What happened to RecordPrefs.xml?

After upgrading to Kodi 15.1 Isengard from Helix (I skipped 15.0) I've found that the custom RecordPrefs that I created for the skin Xperience1080 doesn't work with the latest version of the NextPVR addon, 1.10.8. It seems that Kodi is still using the RecordPrefs.xml file located in addons/pvr.nextpvr/resources/skins/skin.confluence/720p and if I make changes to it they are reflected in the skin. However, if I copy the file to addons/pvr.nextpvr/resources/skins/skin.xperience1080/1080i, or use the one I created for Helix, I get exactly the same garbled dialog in Xperience1080 as when the file doesn't exist at all. No changes I make have any effect on it.

This is what it looks like: http://imgur.com/mYQM0u0

Does the NextPVR addon still look in this location when creating this dialog for skins that aren't Confluence?
I've been doing some more digging, but still I haven't made any progress trying to find a solution. I haven't been able to find any reference to RecordPrefs.xml in either the add-on source code or the Kodi debug logs.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Edit: Just spotted this post /showthread.php?tid=241952 indicating that RecordPrefs.xml won't be required in future versions of Kodi, and a delete log in the Git repository from 23 September to the same effect. Does this mean that the problem I've described can't be fixed with the current version of the NextPVR addon? I don't mind if I have to wait for Jarvis, but I understand that Betas are still a long way off, and it would be nice to have timers working now.
As you've discovered, it's no longer needed in Kodi 16.

For Kodi 15, I only ever tested the addon with the default Confluence skin. Others have had success copying it to other skin directories. Unfortunately much of Kodi's skinning engine is mystery to me, so I'm not well placed to help you on this one. I assume you left the original file in the Confluence directory, and didn't just move it?
Ok, I've found what happened. The NPVR addon now looks in /addons/skin.xperience1080/1080i/ for RecordPrefs.xml instead of /addons/pvr.nextpvr/resources/skins/skin.xperience1080/1080i/ as per Helix and below. It turned out I was searching case-sensitively when I was looking through the Kodi log before. In the end that's where I found the hint at this new location.

After copying my custom RecordPrefs.xml file to the correct location it seems to work (mostly) perfectly. Smile

Great - glad you got to the bottom of it.

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