Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Win Groups get reset when NextPVR's channel list changes
I can understand changes needing to be made, but please don't scrap all my groups. It took me a while to set them all up. It doesn't help the group editor doesn't list resolution (Is it HD or not) or allow sorting. But to completely scrap all groups? Inexcusable. Just put up a notification and ask that I fix the issue myself. I do suggest a special temp group be created with a name like "New channels" be created for any channels that were added since the last time the group editor was used. Then you hide that group when it's empty.
Will Pittenger
I have no idea what you're talking about. Is there a question in there?
More of a complaint. However, since you're in the thread and I'm thinking about it: Is there a way to prevent Kodi from deleting all my groups?
Will Pittenger
I'm not aware of any issue relating to this. My understanding is that it downloads the channel groups from the backend each time Kodi starts.
What he is most likely doing is programming groups in kodi and they are getting wiped from the backend when they load. If he took another approach and programmed them the other way and understood your system a little better from atleast visiting next pvr documentation. you may get praise Nod

But in either case i will say it. Bang up job sub, you have a solid product. Smile
Actually, my original plan was to create the groups in NextPVR. But it's having troubles saving groups, at least for me.
Will Pittenger
(2015-10-01, 00:59)WillPittenger Wrote: Actually, my original plan was to create the groups in NextPVR. But it's having troubles saving groups, at least for me.
If you reproduce this, then post the logs over at the NextPVR forums, I'm happy to take a look for you.

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Groups get reset when NextPVR's channel list changes0