Movie count
I have 2291 folders in my movie source. However, my skin shows that I have 2304.
I have cleaned the database as well but still same count.
it is possible that maybe some trailer files have not been named properly.
Any help on how I can find the extra movies??

You didn't mention what version of Kodi you have running. There was a change in how Kodi counts movies, and yes video extras, sets and trailers count.
(2015-10-15, 15:58)PatK Wrote: You didn't mention what version of Kodi you have running. There was a change in how Kodi counts movies, and yes video extras, sets and trailers count.

using Kodi 15.1. Win 10. This was fine until a few days ago until I moved some movies out and added some others in the movie source folder.

A re-scan has picked up some new videos that previously haven't been counted, I presume you have the -trailer exclusion in your advanced settings? Perhaps a minor naming issue... like -trailer vs -Trailer, or some small avi sample has slipped in? Don't fret, let's see if a new build clears this.
thanks for the response... no do not have the exclusion.
and yes I agree about the naming error.
my main question is that, is there any easy method to identify these rather and going through 2,291 folders to identify?

Put the exclusion in, then work from there.... I suspect you will be amazed at how many videos disappear. When I first encountered this issue, I clicked on 'all' movies put it in slide mode, or thumbnails....and it became apparent that I had multiple movies with the same cover... using the information option, I could see the path and name with extension, and clued in that the trailers/extras/samples were being treated as the full movie.

After the exclusion, you might have some effort to make if you have exported your library to separate files, but your can run through most libraries pretty quick visually. I'd also suggest you investigate Add-on:VideoExtras (wiki) sooner or later you will want to stuff your movie folder with extras.

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