Issues with Kodi glitching media on Nexus player & Marshmallow
Hi, I have lots of kodi machines scattered about the house, some open elec based, some windows based, but only 1 android based (Google nexus player)
It used to run flawlessly streaming most media over my wireless ac network, the occasional buffer on 1080p mkv's but everything else was flawless..

My device updated to Marshmallow last week, and ever since i have been having issues with playback in Kodi, every few seconds the bottom right would flash up a black square.. the shape will change every so often.. the rest of the screen looks fine, its just the occasional black glitch.
I suspected maybe kodi just needed an update to support Marshmallow, so i held out, and today I updated to 15.2, but found the same issue is there.
I have reset all video options to default and tried messing with the refresh settings on/off etc, but its still there.
if i turn the hardware decoding settings off, then the squares are not black, but the screen still glitches
all other apps are not affected, it only appears when playing back media in kodi.

Anything else to suggest i can try?

Many thanks in advance

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