Can I serve multiple frontends?
I have my DVBViewer serving two frontends at the moment. I've noticed today that while watching something on one frontend, the other won't stream anything.

No error message or anything. I'll select the channel as usual and Kodi just acts like there wasn't a button press.

I know it's not busy tuners as I tried channels that should cause DVBViewer to spread the load across the 5 tuners I have running.

Any ideas?
The PVR doesn't select any tuners. That's the job of the backend. So either there was no tuner available or the recording service didn't send any data for other reasons
Could you advise me on how to troubleshoot the issue? I've just tested it again and I can only stream the same channel that the other frontend is currently watching.

Choosing any other channel results in the symptoms described above.
Be a reasoner. First eliminate Kodi. So instead of using Kodi as a 2nd client try watching *the same channel* over the recording service webfrontend (using vlc or any other media player). Afterwards you know Kodi is not your problem and it's either your configuration or your tuners.

Edit: You can also just double check your dvbviewer configuration. I'm pretty sure you've messed something up there.
The PVR isn't much more than a media player with integrated EPG, timer and recording support and doesn't know anything about your tuners.
I forgot to come back and report. I figured out the problem shortly after..

I incorrectly thought that my tuner could use two modes simultaneously over it's dual tuners (for example Tuner A could stream DVB-C at the same time as Tuner B streaming DVB-T2).

Not a big issue though and I've resolved it now by doing some reconfigging of the the Tuner Priorities Smile

Thanks manül

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Can I serve multiple frontends?0