[REQUEST] LCARS (Star Trek) inspired skin for XBMC possible? Any volunteers?
fantastic work Smile very envious though like lots of the commenter's said it needs to be on a tablet not a wall mount (or both)
The future is here, and I want it... Big Grin
really cool
Hardware: Revo 3610 + SSD - Harmony 700 Remote
Software: XBMCBuntu Gotham - Sickbeard - SabNZBd+

I can't believe that nobody has made a skin based off of this concept yet.
How to use Git
| AMD Athlon II X3 Triple Core Processor 2.9 GHz |GIGABYTE GA-MA785GM-US2H Mobo 2GB DDR2 Ram | MSI N430GT |
| Logitec Harmony Smart Control Remote| 52" Sharp Aquos LED TV | Denon AVR-X1000 |
| Freenas Server with 18TB ASRock Intel Avoton C2750 |
you did all that alone?? I'm impressed.. very impressed.

Great work, you can be proud, but I'm sure you knew that already Wink
I thought I could remember having something like this a long time ago, but sadly without having touchscreen.

It is merely a windows shell


Not sure if you can shell windows 7 though
I'm not a newbie. I always act this dumb.

Home Cinema Setup
37 inch TV - Intel I3 530 @ 2.9GHZ - 4 Gig Memory - Silverstone home cinema case (silver)
Oh sorry just to make sure, I didn't do this. I just came across it stumbling. I could not make something like this at all.
I started an lcars skin a couple years back. I completed the home screen and all the settings windows, but life took over. I had fun though adding in lots of pointless features, like the ability to initiate red alert and a fun intro sequence haha. Maybe after I graduate I'll get back to it...It actually is pretty sweet

being that I am all new and shiny to the world of XBMC, and the fact this thread is over a year old... and within this year newer version of XBMC has been out...

I need to ask; is there anything working on eden that has LCARS?

Something else that would be awesome is a LCARS looking remote software for XBMC. keep the media center as-is, but has a trek-style remote touchscreen interface.

Just sayin'
dang it i still want this
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[REQUEST] LCARS (Star Trek) inspired skin for XBMC possible? Any volunteers?0