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First I guess I should mention I am still on XBMC, I haven't updated, to be honest, I didn't know about the name change until I came here looking for answers.
I have 1228 movies listed in my lists and when ever I try to add any new movies, I see the names come up in the scan but they are not being shown in any of the lists.
New TV shows are showing up but no longer will movies show up. I was beginning to think 1228 movies was the max but I tried removing a movie then letting it see something new but the new one doesn't show up and the old doesn't come back either.
I tried using the "Clean Libraries" option but nothing changes. Anything I can do to get it to continue updating? Should I just uninstall Frodo and upgrade to Kodi? I kind of like all the options I have setup currently but if I have to update and possibly get any changes I guess I will do that.
~ Ryzen 5 5600G APU | 16gig Corsair | Fractal Node 500 | Manjaro Linux | Gyration MC remote | 43" Visio
Themoviedb changed something which broke scraper that are used to add movies to your library. Only Gotham and above received an update for this.
If you really want to stick with Frodo there's a thread that tells you what to do
Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting, read this first
Interested in seeing some YouTube videos about Kodi? Go here and subscribe
Cool, I appreciate the information. I will look into it.
~ Ryzen 5 5600G APU | 16gig Corsair | Fractal Node 500 | Manjaro Linux | Gyration MC remote | 43" Visio
Well, I want to thank the Kodi creators for their ease of use with the new Installer. I was initially going to install Kodi separate to my old XBMC install and just let it install to a new folder. It automatically saw my old XBMC install and asked if I wanted to uninstall XBMC and transfer my library. It went without a hitch. The new Kodi has been installed and is working as intended. For the moment the only change I have noticed out of the ordinary is my Play button on my remote no longer Pauses and Plays when alternately pressed, I now have to actually hit the pause button to pause and play to play. Kind of irks my wife since it is a change but it makes sense to me.
~ Ryzen 5 5600G APU | 16gig Corsair | Fractal Node 500 | Manjaro Linux | Gyration MC remote | 43" Visio

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