Win No audio on TV when projecting from laptop to TV

I am hoping someone can help me with this. I am not a technical person so it may be something simple that I just don't know how to do on my own.

I just started using Kodi on my Windows 10 laptop and I would like to be able to watch it on my 50" Samsung SMART TV instead of on my small laptop screen.

I tried screen mirroring last night and I had the video portion however the audio is coming from my computer. I tried shutting the sound off on my PC and turning up my TV audio however I still had nothing. I am able to cast audio files so they play through my TV speakers but not within Kodi).

I am able to cast from my Andriod phone to my TV and I have video and audio so I am hoping I can do a similar thing with my laptop as I would prefer it would be wireless instead of having to leave the laptop by the TV all of the time.

In the mean time I have switched over to HDMI.

If you need me to provide more details please let me know.

I suspect that your audio settings within Kodi are Direct sound, change it to Wasapi

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No audio on TV when projecting from laptop to TV0