Raspberry console appears behind kodi
Hi, sorry to ask a question for my first post but i usually read and find the solutions by myself.
This time I couldn't....

So i'm using Kodi 15.2 on a Pi2 with raspbian OS. (problem was the same with 15.1)
The TV is analogic.

Everything seem to works except when I'm reading a 16/9 film with black band up and down the image.
Those bands are not black but I can see the rapsberry console instead (raspberrys at he top of the screen and the log console at the bottom)

I've tried with streaming and file playing but It doesn't change.

Sometimes everything is ok and the black bands are black for a long time..

Does anybody have the same problem ? If so do you know if a fix does exist ?


How did you install kodi? How are you launching it?
Hi, it was an apt-get install, and it's launched at startup using enable=1
Normally there is a startup script that disables the console on launch and puts it back when kodi exits.
I'm not really sure what the enable=1 does through.

If you are launching at startup, I'd really recommend OpenELEC or OSMC. They will just work out of the box.

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Raspberry console appears behind kodi0