v15 Can't type letter
Hello from Japan.

I purchased Raspberry Pi 2 and install raspbian jessie and kodi. (Yeah, I think this is swaet!)
But, kodi can't recieve any letter from my keyboard.
I failed kodi setup few times, but at the time I can type correctly.
What happen in kodi?
This time I setup from noobs but I think it is no matter.
Does the Kodi window have the focus? If you click on it with a mouse and then type, does that help?

It's more normal to use dedicated set-ups (OpenElec or OSMC) on the Pi, although it is possible to run Kodi under Raspbian it's not quite such a smooth and optimised experience.

Also where did you get your Kodi install from (what version is it?). An apt-get installation or something else?
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I think it is down to input permissions of the user running kodi. It depends exactly on how you installed it, but the solution is probably something like:

If you follow that, can you check which steps are required (some permissions may already be correct) which may be useful for advising future users.
(2016-01-11, 11:12)DarrenHill Wrote: Also where did you get your Kodi install from (what version is it?). An apt-get installation or something else?
Ooops I forgot that. I installed from apt. maybe kodi version is 15.
Except letter (BS, Enter) works probally, It seems not window forcus problem.
If this trouble causes by permission. As popcornmix says, I have to write rules bot how I write to?
/etc/udev/rules.d/10-permissions.rules isn't exist.
Just touch and write? Or I follow something naming rules?

Anyway, I tried add "kodi" to input group, but it isn't easy solution for me.

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Can't type letter0